Sunday, August 31, 2008


Even the big boys love being at kindergarten.

Sometimes as parents we need to have our children with us at kindergarten. As part of my team philosophy as working mums it is a way of supporting each other and gives everyone in the kindergarten environment an opportunity to get to know the teachers families. As big as our children are they still love the freedom of creativity, exploration and learning that our environment offers. They are great role models for the children and build strong relationships with our children.

Cameron had just had his leg in plaster and was spending a quiet day at kindergarten with me and the kindergarten children. I snapped him enjoying some time with Aragorn on the ukeleles. I watch this as his mum and feel so proud of him and of his caring interactions with the children and helpful manner with the staff and get warm fuzzies. This must be how you all feel seeing videos of your children and their play, learning and fun on the blogg. Appreciating this and my sons reaction to seeing himself encourages me and excites me to continue to keep going with the blog knowing that you will all get it as you contunue to look and explore it. You will know what it is when you get it!!!!!!

Watch this space too for the bigger boys who visit kindergarten ie Fluffy the Truck Driver with the 'toot toot' for the children and Brendon who loves working at the carpentry table!!!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Goat Visit

On Tuesday we had a special little surprise visitor brought in by one of our grandparents and her mokopuna, Galaeya.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just popping down for a visit!

Our unexpected visitors!

Double click on the story to enlarge then use your back arrow to return to the blog site.

Have you noticed the other links?

Have you noticed the other sites that we have built for you? We have a:

Blogging information site

Literacy site

Numeracy site

Transition to School site

These can be acessed by clicking on top of the words. There is lots of useful information for you and also links to educational sites.

Please take time to have a look and make comments on things you would like us to add or you would like to know more about. Also if you have any useful tips post these under comments. We love hearing from you.

Our new rat


This morning we introduced the tamariki to our new male rat. He is 5-6 weeks old and rather a wee cutie. We discovered when Miss Ryan (Rhode Street School) and some of the new entrants were visiting that our boy can move really fast and is a good hider! He was dropped in the outside playground and went under the decking by the big tyre. We eventually got him to pop his head out and as he turned I managed to grab his tail. Whew! We are have named him Ratbag. Miss Ryan suggested he was a bit of a ratbag and we agreed!

He is a new rat to replace our darling wee girl Pinky who we had to sadly have put down a week ago.

Miss Pinky


Friday, August 15, 2008

Learning independently

Ngaikiha uses the hoops in a way that is different from the other ways hoops usually get used in the environment. She is thinking carefully about what she wants to make happen and sets about testing ways to do this. She persists until she succeeds then goes on to try another way of balancing the hoops using more hoops. She is extending her own learning by challenging herself beyond what she has just achieved. This is the way we all learn. We build to our knowledge and skills by using what we know to go that little step further.

Tino pai to mahi, Ngaikiha. Great work, Ngaikiha!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hula Hooping

On Monday we managed to have some fine weather, the girls and I were demonstrating our hula hoop skills and abilities. There is certainly a great deal of skill and co ordination involved to keep going as long as Elizabeth did!
There is also skill involved in videoing as i have just discovered. You can't video portrait style!
So i apologise for the stiff necks everybody. One of the many things we learn along our ICT journey.

Pics from Ruben's Visit

Ruben Rocks!

This was a fantastic experience about road safety for the tamariki . It was fun and the children loved Rubens dance to the song. We have videos avaliable for you to borrow on the sign in table to share at home should you wish to and if you still have a video player in your possession!!!!! Ally

Rubens Arrival

There was great excitement when Ruben the Road Safety Bears car arrived. His two special helpers came with him Whetu and Sarah.