Friday, February 27, 2009

Fish and Chips or some other agenda!

We had a very successful 'Fish n Chip' evening last night that was kind of a secret squirrel AGM too! We were delighted to see so many families and to be able to report back to you on our year of progress, change and improvement which we feel has been of benefit to your tamariki.

Please remember we are always here to talk to and we value the partnership we have with you as parents in your child's learning and development. Our portfolios and Blog are a shared document between your child, the staff and you so please feel free to add comments, photos and any other treasures that provide information and precious memories for your child. I know my 12, 10 and 5 year olds love looking through their kindergarten portfolios!

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Lemon Muffins

This morning we made lemon muffins with some lemons we had given by Kaia's mum. We all had a taste and we saved some for the afternoon children to taste so they wouldn't miss out. They were really yummy. This slide show shows the children making the muffins. We are getting really good at cooking.

We learn about quantities, types of ingredients used in baking and the process of making food from start to finish. We learn about words associated (stir, mix, chop, grate, squeeze)with cooking and the equipment we use (bowl, spoon, teaspoon, cup, grater, baking tray, muffin tray).We learn to take turns. We also are learning about tastes we like and dislike....the development of discerning palates!

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Thursday, February 26, 2009


On wednesday the boys had energy to burn! I set up a jump pad for them, and we had a bit of healthy competition trying to out jump each others distances. This activity entertained a group of boys for most of the morning.

What im learning:
Im using my gross motor skills, im gaining increased confidence, agility, co ordination and control over my body. Im using maths concepts, im judging distances such as height and length, measuring distance jumped, using numbers and comparisons. Im also challenging myself, working as part of a team and using turn taking and co operation skills. Jumping is also an essential exercise for strong and healthy bone development, plus its lots of fun for boys with energy to burn!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cleaning out the tanks

This afternoon we cleaned out the axolotol tanks and the fish tank, the children helped me change the water and clean the rocks.
While we did this we talked about why we clean them out and proper care for the animals, how to handle them and what we feed them. This experience encourages children to build positive caring attitudes, relationships and empathy with the animals, and provides opportunities for children to share responsibility for animal welfare and introduces children to potential life-long interests involving animals.

Fish n chip evening.

Please remeber it is our fish n chip evening this thursday. Come along and get to know our other kindergarten families, meet staff and discuss kindergarten happenings.

It would be great to have your support.
Hope to see you there.


Today the morning children were treated to peanut butter biscuits. Some of the tamariki helped Jo make the biscuits for everyone. They were very sweet but most children thought they were nuttilicious. This activity followed our banana muffins and orange icing that we made on Friday. We are getting quite good at cooking now! Jodie is also going to be doing some baking with the afternoon children so that is something to look forward to. We have planned cooking activites to extend the children's interest in baking and cooking in the playdough area and the sandpit.

2 cups of peanut butter
2 cups of sugar
2 eggs

Mix altogether. Spoon onto trays. Press down with a fork. Bake in oven at 170 C (preferably fan bake) for 10 minutes. Keep an eye on them because they are not nice when burnt! Let cool and crisp up before eating. ENJOY!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Zoo Trip

Here are some pics of our day at the zoo. Remember each SmileBox slide show can take a few minutes to load and once loaded you need to click on the arrow at the bottom of the scrapbook to turn the album's pages.

Have fun browsing...

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pool Party

We had a great day yesterday at our pool party. The children (and the FUN teacher! LOL) got wet and wild. It was hungry work and the DRY teachers did the sausage sizzle for us. Ally looked like a real professional at the barbie and Abby cooked her first ever barbie. Tino pai Abby. The kai was tu meke! Here are a few pictures...

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Pool Party Notice

Just a reminder regarding our pool party this friday.
Click on image to enlarge to read.
Please Note: if it is raining on friday the pool party will be postponed until the following week.
Staff will notify you of new date.

Posts For Pulleys

Today Hope's grandfather David was kind enough to come in a give us a hand setting up our pulley system over the sandpit. Quite a bit more work was involved than what i had originally thought and it required expert skills.
David finished of some holes i had started on, cut the wood to fit, erected the posts and filled with concrete. So our pulley system is well on its way, the children will thoroughly enjoy it once it is complete - and will be able to pull sand buckets to and fro across the sandpit.

Thank you Callym who documented Davids work this morning. You have taken some fantastic photos.
