Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Funky Monkey Visit
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Hula Mania
The interest that Lia's hula hoop sharing has sparked has been amazing!
Children have been persisting and practising, some for four hours straight, days on end with incredible results. The hard work has paid dividends with some very confident and competent hula hoopers. The chipmunks song I am now hearing when I go to sleep! The children have become apt at using the stereo also to replay their song too. It has been fantastic to see them sharing at mat time their developing skills with their friends and peers. It takes guts to get in the middle and show what you've got. I am constantly amazed by our children and their growth,development, confidence and ability to contribute and support each other. What fantastic children we have here and i am so privledged to share in their learning. Ally
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Congratulations Abby on Your Registration

Friday, November 20, 2009
Children's Artwork
'Art' is often seen as static - describing a finished product. but more than that art is a lively process of engagement that is reflective, creative and deliberate, that deepens and extends children's learning. - Ann Pelo, The Language of Art.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Hula Hooping
Lia has really starting something going at Grasslands with her amazing hulahop skills. After watching Lia a lot of the Tamriki decided they wanted to have a go and have been practicing all morning to see if they could get as good at Lia. Love the music. Thanks Lia Ally and Office Jo
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Toasting Marshmallows
On Friday last week we toasted marshmallows in the Sandpit over an old milo tin. The children were so excited. We were very authentic in our experience - breaking twigs of the bushes to use as skewers. The children had a fantastic time trying to toast their marshmallow just enough, some were however a little charred!
It was a fantastic practical learning experience for the children. We discussed and modelled safe fire use and risk management and the children were able to build apon their developing working theories for making sense of the natural, material, social and physical world.
We only stopped because we ran out of marshmallows!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Skateboard Project
Make a Smilebox slideshow Noah has been very passionate about skateboards in the last couple of weeks, and has become very focused on building them. This photostory documents his 3rd skateboard creation and the inspiration he has provided for the other children. Well done Tamariki, you have shown a lot of independent and creative thinking building your skateboards, you should be proud! Abby. |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Our Adventure
We had quite a lot of excitement here at kindergarten this morning, Les from down the road came to visit us. He had been doing some gardening and had found a sleeping hedgehog in the garden. Several children took turns having a cuddle before we decided to find a place in our garden to put her. First Aragorn, Kya, Kaia, Ashton, Jeneah, Chikoia and I went back down the road with the wheel burrow for some leaves for her. Les showed us his guineapig before he went a collected some hay for us to use instead. Then on the way back down the street we were lucky enough to discover a dead bird lying on the foot path. We brought it back to kindergarten to share with the other children. It had very beautiful and colourful feathers. Ally took lots of pictures so that we could investigate what type of bird it was. Kaia seems to think a bat may have killed it. After the excitement of the bird, we found a place in the garden for the hedgehog and Renee and Jeneah kindly built a little garden fence to keep her safe. Thank you girls, that was such a kind thing to do. We'll keep an eye on her to see when she will wake up.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Final ICT Report

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Having a blast at U-Learn
Friday, September 18, 2009
Honey Bunny
Honey Bunny arrived in the neighbourhood over three weeks ago and nobody has claimed her! So she has joined our kindergarten whanau and she is beautiful, friendly and snuggly. Honey Bunny loves the celery, broccoli and silverbeet from our garden. She is keen on the parsley too...fresh breath! She is going to be able to visit with you all over the weekends and possible the holidays too.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Our Twisters

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Gingerbread Man
This is the infamous Gingerbread Man song that your children may have been singing/talking about at home. This is a very popular song/story at kindergarten and has been for the last few terms. Today we finally got a chance to video it for the blog, the children did a fabulous job. Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Water play and scientific discoveries
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
The Salon
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Swing Challenges
The learning that's happening:
We have recently purchased some new swings, pulleys and ropes; this combined with some fine weather has given the children the opportunity to experiment and enhance their physical skills and capabilities. In this video clip the children are practicing their abilities, gaining increased control over their bodies, gaining increased agility, co ordination and balance, are building their self confidence and physical strength, are working together, taking on challenges and managing risk. This is just a small snippet of their swing capabilities.
Wombat Stew Grasslands Style
On Tuesday morning Teacher Jo and Office Jo took Tyne and Ebony to the supermarket to buy the ingredients on our list. All the morning children helped to make our stew. They did a fantastic job because it was scrumdiddlelylious!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Hokey Pokey Biscuits!!
Process Cooking:
The gingerbread man has been hugely popular at kindergarten lately. We sing about him, read about him, dance about him and of course we bake him. This morning the children asked to make him again, not having all the ingredients we improvised and settled for Hokey Pokey biscuits instead. They were delicious!
What we are learning:
1. We learn about the equipment used - spatula, mixing bowls etc.
2. We learn and extend upon early literacy skills - reading the recipe cards that are laid out numerically, following the instructions and writing down our name on the cooking list.
3. We learn new groups of words - stirring, mixing, beating etc.
4. We learn maths concepts - 1 teaspoon, 1 tablespoon, half a cup etc.
5. We learn early science concepts - chemical reactions, temperature, hot and cold, rising etc
6. We learn about textures - salt and sugar, flour and icing sugar, oil and water.
7. We learn about taste - lemon, sugar, flour, sweet and sour.
8. We learn patience, waiting in line and waiting for our cooking to cook.
Most of all we have fun and hopefully can sample our creations!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Jahrome's Voice
Today Jahrome and I had a play with windows movie maker documenting his story about the day that the digger visited his house. What a cool story. Thanks Jahrome.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Laura's Puppy Cocoa
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Making a Sally Lunn using mashed Potato!
We hope you try it and enjoy it.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Good Friends the tamariki's perspective
Our children have definitely got it sorted about being a good friend. Their contributions at a mat time discussion confirm it. We are so proud of them and they role model our good friends policy every day seeking help when they need it..which isn't very often as they are very articulate at expressing their thoughts, ideas and feelings. What a great place to be!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Our visit to Rhode Street School
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Parachute Fun
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Under the microscope
Remember our links!

Just a wee reminder to you that we have 6 other useful blog sites attached to our main blog that we have constructed. These can be found on the right-hand side of our home page under the heading Curriculum Links. Click on the green links to get to the curriculum blog of your choice.
Please take a look and feel free to suggest other ideas for these sites either by leaving comments or by talking to staff.
Curriculum Links
- Adventure Bear
- Creative Expression
- Habits of the Mind and Your Child's Learning
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Transition to School
We love your feedback and want to make these sites work for you and your child.
Kia ora
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I just thought I should write to you all to explain the process I have gone though while doing this blog on the children and their adventures with Adventure Bear (Addy).
Three times a week I have been choosing a child that has been displaying 'being a good friend', helping to tidy up without having to be asked, or just something that reinforces being part of a team at the kindergarten.
When the children come back in the morning with the camera and Addy, I take the time to sit somewhere quiet and listen and document the child's voice. Once I have all the information I need I then move to the next step. I print the photos out and put them all into a scrap book that the children have decorated. The scrap book is accessible to the children so they can be looked at whenever they want to. This is all then posted onto Adventure Bears Blog that you can access from the kindergarten blog. Check it out. Thanks for your support.
Bye for now Tiffany (student)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Allie and Juno Visit
Today we were lucky enough to have Kaia and her mother bring in their much loved family pets, Allie the lop eared rabbit and Juno the guinea pig.
Claire, Kaia's mum talked to us about what Allie and Juno eat, and showed us how Allie likes to be held - Upside down with her feet in the air! She likes to be held tightly like a baby on her back, then she closes her eyes and goes to sleep. She is such a beautiful rabbit and so placid, letting all our children give her a cuddle while she lay on her back. Juno was a bit more timid, Jo held on to him while the children gave him a little pat so that he didnt get to frightened being introduced to so many children at once.
Thank you very much Claire, Kaia and Che for bringing in your very special family members, we enjoyed having them here and all the cuddles we got to give them.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Adventure Bear

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Cold Day? Hot Chocolate!!!
The weather has been so cold lately. Yesterday afternoon I tried warming up with a milo. Elijah mentioned how good it smelt and how he wished he could have one to keep warm. I felt like a meany drinking it in front of him, but made up for it today with bottomless hot chocolate and marshmallows all morning!
Several of our children utilized this offer to its full extent, not just having seconds but going back for 3rds and 4ths!! Its a great way to stay warm and enjoy each others conversation on a cold Autumn day.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
New Link!
Thanks the Staff
Monday, May 11, 2009
Jodie's Graduation

To share Jodie's special day click on top of her story. It will enlarge into a full page. Use the back arrow at the top left hand side of the screen to go back to the blog.
Congratulations Jodie! We are so proud of you.You look very clever in your gown and mortar board!
Love all the staff and children at Grasslands Kindergarten.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Farewelling Dad
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Recently I have taken some time out from work because my dad lost his battle with cancer in the holidays. I have been spending time with my mum as we come to terms with not having Dad with us. We are grateful that we have so many wonderful memories to carry with us and of course Dad is ever present in our hearts. He was a great man and I shall miss him forever.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Caring for our Axolotls
Our Axolotl tank was looking rather grim after the holidays. I decided to clean it out with the help of some friends who have a strong interest in our slippery friends.
The learning that's happening...
We learn lots of things when we clean out our tanks; such as encouraging the proper care of living things, educating children on the correct handling of our Axolotls and our fish, how to feed them, the way in which we clean out the tank, and how we change the filter and add water ager to protect their skin.
By having hands on experience and contact with our animals here at kindergarten our children are able to develop healthy attitudes and interests towards animals, that has the potential to become a life long passion.
Tyne and Elijah have a strong interest in our Axolotls. Tyne handles them with great care when we clean them out and is now very good at feeding them especially when i am away - this is great because nobody else will touch them!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Jibidi Update
Thursday, April 30, 2009
What is a good friend?
At Grasslands Kindergarten we talk lots about being a good friend, what a good friend is and does. I interviewed small groups of children to gather their thoughts, ideas and insights.
It was very enlightening.
We have been using ‘Playing as a good friend’ at Grasslands Kindergarten for quite some time in order to provide simple and consistent positive guidance for children. It doesn’t come naturally, but it does work. It’s now part of our kindergarten culture and will work if used at home as well.
What is ‘Playing as a Good Friend?’
There are three basic rules:
1. We don’t hurt anyone (or use rude gestures)
2. We use good words (includes: No shouting, and using appropriate tone/pitch of voice)
3. We listen (to each other, to the teachers, and to parents/whanau)
For this to work, it is important for the adults using this with children to support each other and be consistent, especially with the language we use. For example rather than saying to children “Are you playing nicely?” we say , “Are you playing as a good friend?” This is more meaningful because we have discussed with children what being a good friend is and what it means to be a good friend to each other. This is continually reinforced and reflected upon in daily practice and in interactions with children and between children.
What do we do when children forget to play as good friends?
First we stop the child and find out what happened, asking questions like “Tell me what happened?” We listen to what the child says, and acknowledge their feelings. We are very clear about the behaviour we are trying to address. For example, we say “You stopped playing as a good friend when you hurt/didn’t listen to/ shouted at ….” Sometimes the issue can be resolved on the spot. We encourage children to think of alternative solutions to the issue through strategies such as asking, “Can you think of another way that you could have asked for that/said that/done that?” We often model the appropriate words and/or behaviours to help the child. For example, “ You need to use your words to tell ——— what it is that they are doing that you don’t like”, “You need to tell ————— how you are feeling and ask them to stop.”
We love hearing your feedback. Please post a comment. Ally
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Fishing Success
These are my boys Paul and Cam with their catch of the day. They wanted to share with you via the blog their wonderfully big fish they caught. Whoppers ah!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Our Easter Holiday at Opotiki BRRRRR

Thursday, April 9, 2009
The bigger bigger digger.
Jahromes mum Ra brought in her camera and shared the photos of the bigger bigger digger at their house doing their driveway with us. Awesome photos and what great timing with the work going on the footpath outside the kindergarten. Thanks Ra.
Happy Easter and Happy Holidays

We have had a busy and long term so everyone is in need of a good rest. The staff hope you are enjoying viewing your child's learning from term one on our blog and sharing the day to day activities that occur as part of our programme. Please take time to add your comments as we love your feedback.
Take care
The staff (Ally, Jo, Abby, Jodie and Office Jo)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Mauri Ora

Today staff had their induction into the Mauri Ora programme as part of our on-going commitment to bi-cultural practice. We have all identified this as an area of professional development. Mauri Ora is a free 12 month in-home programme (NZQA level 2) run by Te Waananga o Aotearoa that helps us learn about things Maori. We are very excited to be undertaking this programme particularly as a team. We hope our understanding and sensitivity of the Maori world will be more evident in our teaching practice as our knowledge increases during this period. We have a lovelykaitiaki to support us on our journey ...
Monday, April 6, 2009
We had K9 Sense visit us toaday with thEIr friends Sky and Zea. This is a very valuable service that StEph and her team provide, teaching the children about dog safety.
The best way to approach a dog and what to do in tricky situations!!! The tree, the rock and fist out then shoulders and chest is best! Talk to your children about what they learnt today to reinforce the importance of keeping safe around dogs. Watch the video with them, talk about what you are hearing and seeing.
Jibidi Dancing
The tamariki have been learning a new dance called Jibidi for the last week. It requires some coordination and control of our bodies...which can be quite challenging and a bit of a giggle for children and staff. Remembering to choose our friends for turns after managing this feat is an accomplishment!!! Stepping out in front of a group trying something new is a real confidence tester and our children are building these skills in a supportive and very encouraging environment. Ka pai to mahi tamariki - Good work children.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Links- Don't forget these!
The little digger visits kindy
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tauranga Presentation
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Jo's bush visit

I was enjoying a walk through the Forest and Bird Reserve on Waiheke Island with my children and took these photos which I thought I'd share so you can see I do have another side to my life outside of kindergarten too. We often get to share what you do at home through the children's portfolios but we don't get to share about ourselves!
The kauri and nikau forest is just so peaceful and everywhere you look there is so much beauty. It is nice to get away from the city and back to nature and important for my children to see the New Zealand bush as it was before we began replacing it with farmland and settlements. As I'm getting older I'm beginning to realize the importance of sharing what makes New Zealand unique with my children and also sharing some of the experiences that have shaped me as I have grown up. I think as I watch my dad loosing his battle with cancer that I am beginning to truly appreciate what it is to share our history with our whaanau so it is not lost.
We had a piwakawaka (fantail) nearly land on us. It was just so cheeky but very beautiful too as it danced around. Unfortunately I kept missing the good close up shots possibly because I was so excited it was not frightened of us.
I found a stick insect that had died that we will look at under the microscope at kindergarten. I wonder if it will look as interesting as the cockroach we looked at last week!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Process Cooking, making Muffins!!
For the past few weeks we have been process cooking, this is an extendion of the children's strong interest and skill in cooking.
Some activities need steps to get from start to finish to get the expected result. Process cooking is one of these activities, here we follow a series of steps to get to the end product in this case muffins!
As time has progressed the children have become more skillful, confident, knowledgeable and empowered to manage the process themselves.
The Value of Process Cooking
1. We learn about the equipment used - spatula, mixing bowls etc.
2. We learn and extend upon early literacy skills - reading the recipe cards that are laid out numerically, following the instructions and writing down our name on the cooking list.
3. We learn new groups of words - stirring, mixing, beating etc.
4. We learn maths concepts - 1 teaspoon, 1 tablespoon, half a cup etc.
5. We learn early science concepts - chemical reactions, temperature, hot and cold, rising etc
6. We learn about textures - salt and sugar, flour and icing sugar, oil and water.
7. We learn about taste - lemon, sugar, flour, sweet and sour.
8. We learn patience, waiting in line and waiting for our cooking to cook.
Most of all we have fun and hopefully can sample our creations!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Pizza Hut Watch Out!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Opening Up our Blog

Please click on the image to open to read. Please take the time to read this newsletter. It is in regard to making our blog site public to extend acess to the wider community.
Parent Feedback.
"hi just looked up manaiakindy blog and i am very keen on u using grasslands blog to reach the wider community. (also tried to add my zoo photos to sydneys page but have forgotten how to do it!)
Finally sydney is away this week in wanganui but will be back next week"
Tania Neale
March 18, 2009 11:18 AM
Undercover Cody's Visit
Today we had Undercover Cody visit us at kindergarten. This video shares with you the discussion about being sunsafe with the tamariki.
We learnt the actions to Undercover Codys song today. The tamariki were a little overwhelmed with his presence :-) but were great listeners and participated.

Ka Kite Undercover Cody!
He thought our kindergarten hats were cool!!!!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Books and more
A group of our children are very interested in writing and book making. It’s wonderful to walk around the kindergarten and discover children using all sorts of medium to develop, practice and extend their early literacy skills. Early Literacy is what children know about reading and writing before they actually learn to read and write.
Here is a sample collection of some of the children’s work.
The learning that’s happening:
Print motivation – an enjoyment in books and reading.
Print awareness – developing an understanding about reading and writing. That words are read left to right and top to bottom.
Learning about the parts of a book – cover, title, author, pictures and words.
Narrative skills – being able to understand and tell stories and describe things.
Letter knowledge – letter recognition and developing an understanding of how writing is constructed, letters make up words, words make up stories with meaning and purpose.
Dress up Day
Dress up day was loads of fun and well supported by our whanau and children. Some very innovative and popular dress ups and characters arrived at kindergarten. Ally had to then go to a Head Teachers Meeting in the afternoon. They appreciated the look and hoped you all had a great day.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Fish and Chips or some other agenda!
Please remember we are always here to talk to and we value the partnership we have with you as parents in your child's learning and development. Our portfolios and Blog are a shared document between your child, the staff and you so please feel free to add comments, photos and any other treasures that provide information and precious memories for your child. I know my 12, 10 and 5 year olds love looking through their kindergarten portfolios!
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Lemon Muffins
We learn about quantities, types of ingredients used in baking and the process of making food from start to finish. We learn about words associated (stir, mix, chop, grate, squeeze)with cooking and the equipment we use (bowl, spoon, teaspoon, cup, grater, baking tray, muffin tray).We learn to take turns. We also are learning about tastes we like and dislike....the development of discerning palates!
Make a Smilebox slideshow |