Friday, September 18, 2009

Honey Bunny

Honey Bunny arrived in the neighbourhood over three weeks ago and nobody has claimed her! So she has joined our kindergarten whanau and she is beautiful, friendly and snuggly. Honey Bunny loves the celery, broccoli and silverbeet from our garden. She is keen on the parsley too...fresh breath! She is going to be able to visit with you all over the weekends and possible the holidays too.


  1. Welcome Bunny we are glad you are here to stay! Hemi is still not too sure about this long eared animal but give him time.

  2. Awww, Gorgeous, I can heard my Renee. What a luck rabbit!!! So well feed, we can't wait to baby sit!!!

  3. BUNNy, we'd love to have you come visit with us one week- or weekend.
    Jeneah sings "mrs bunny looks when she twitches her nose.... I love mrs bunny cause she's so neat...mrs bunny hops and hops and stops"
